
Showing posts from February, 2021

Week 80: How Can I Follow the Promptings of the Holy Ghost More Effectively?

      Last week we have been finding referrals and it was cool.  We were able to find so many.  I was so happy that my junior companion is able to explore most of our area.  This week we have been offering service to some of the members and inactive members.  The coolest thing is that we are able to work and do service work.  We brought some of our clothes for service and when we see that there's something that we can offer for a service, we just change our clothes and get to work.         We also have a set date to baptize Tatay Randy on March 10th which is so exciting for us.  We are continuing to work hard because it's so challenging for us and them.  We do also have some progressing investigators that need more work and prayers.  Sister Via is one of our investigators who is still trying to keep some of the commitments.  This Sunday she attended church.  We were able to find Sister Regina and one couple family who are willing to listen to the gospel.  We are so grateful for

Week 79: Tatay Randy Gets Married and Welcome to Elder Francisco

     Hello everyone.  I am sorry that I didn't have time to write to you last week.  Well, let's go - I have a new companionship and this is his first area.  His name is Elder Francisco.  It's kind of a challenge to me as well but we are getting along with this small missionary from Nuevas Kaya.  The work here is progressing and we have seen some tender mercies this week.  So yesterday, Tatay Randy got married as well as John Rivera.  Besides that we have found some inactive members this week which is way cool.  I have been doing such great highlights in some other ways with my companion and trying to explore the area with him.  We also have had extra time to study and pray often.        So if you know something about the foreigners who are stuck in the Philippines, they are going to leave next week.  I am the only one left in Legazpi Mission.  I felt lonely but I have trust and faith in Him.  He knows everything for me and he's in control of everything.  Anyways, I am