Week 80: How Can I Follow the Promptings of the Holy Ghost More Effectively?

      Last week we have been finding referrals and it was cool.  We were able to find so many.  I was so happy that my junior companion is able to explore most of our area.  This week we have been offering service to some of the members and inactive members.  The coolest thing is that we are able to work and do service work.  We brought some of our clothes for service and when we see that there's something that we can offer for a service, we just change our clothes and get to work.  

      We also have a set date to baptize Tatay Randy on March 10th which is so exciting for us.  We are continuing to work hard because it's so challenging for us and them.  We do also have some progressing investigators that need more work and prayers.  Sister Via is one of our investigators who is still trying to keep some of the commitments.  This Sunday she attended church.  We were able to find Sister Regina and one couple family who are willing to listen to the gospel.  We are so grateful for the help of the members because we are able to find their house.  

     I just wanted to share with everyone that God is really mindful of His children.  I just wanted to share that you are not forgotten in this pandemic period because you are His children and he always takes care of your needs.  He is our Father and He knows what we need.  

     I just try my very best every day with my companion so that we can say that it is a successful week for us.  That we are able to find more people to teach.  I just wanted to share some other things that started to come to my mind little by little about how I could improve myself to become more effective on listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  I have made plans and set goals to apply them every 2 hours.  I have an alarm set on our cellphone and I write some notes . . . Evaluate myself to be accountable to God.  What have I done in the last couple hours (every 2 hours) and that's kind of min blowing efforts with my companion as we will start doing it.  So one thing that really has me stoked is last zoom meeting Sister Abraham said, "Do not do anything if it doesn't come from the prompting  of the Holy Spirit".  

     Lastly, I just wanted to share the talk by Elder W. Owen, Be Faithful But Not Faithless.  He said take time to connect with heaven and disconnect from the world.  In D&C 6:36, "Doubt not and fear not".  In D&C 82:10, "I am the Lord am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise".  Thank you everyone.  I love you so much and have a great week.  Mahal ko po kamo tabi.

Elder Bateiti

Grating a taro or babai root crop to fry it.  I tasted it and it's really delicious.  They mix it with milk and then fry it.

Good Morning!  Time for breakfast.

My favorite breakfast bread.  It's soft and delicious.

Service for the Navarro Family

Chilling in the Bush

Just Chillin'


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