Week 19: 1st Baptism - Sister Mary Jovielyn

     So this week was Christmas and everyone are been busy for the Christmas parties.  One of the Filipino Christmas traditions is a long line marching in the road and drummer mens beating drums with songs about Christmas.  They carry a statue of Mama Mary that they decorate it.  They all wear Santa Claus.  This January 8th we are gonna have a mission conference and celebrate Christmas.  President wanted us to sent the pictures at our service time helping others after the typhoon.  We are still looking forward to conference because I am gonna meet and see two Kiribati Sisters who are going back in January to return with honor.

      There have been so many rains in my area.  I just got my first baptism last Saturday.  I am so blessed to have this opportunity to baptize Sister Mary Jovielyn.  I know that God will prepare those who are in thirst of His words if I live worthy and keeping His commandments and doing my parts.  This work is His work.

     This morning we wake up and do a service to the one who is a non-member.  He was so happy seeing his house clean.  We cut off the big wood that collapse during the typhoon.

     I just wanted to share my testimony for this week in my personal study.  I found in the Book of Ether 12:6 about faith "And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith".  Dear Brothers and Sisters, with faith we need to have hope.  I have hope in D&C 31: 3-5 in my missionary work.  And with hope we need to act or do the things that we need to do according to God's will.  I know that each and every one of us have in the one that had sacrificed himself to die for our sins so that we can overcome all the trials of this life by following His ways.  Jesus Christ had show great and unfailing love to us all.  Without His atonement, we cannot understand faith.  I just wanted to encourage you all brothers and sisters to continue exercising faith.  God wanted us to have a happy life and that's why he given us different experiences so that we can grow and come back to Him by having faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end.  In 2 Nephi 10:17, it says, "For I will fulfil my promises which I have made unto the children of men, that I will do unto them while they are in the flesh".  I love you all my friends and families.  I say this things in the name of Jesus Christ.  I pray, Amen.

Elder Bateiti

Elder Cabatigan, Sister Mary Jovielyn, and Elder Bateiti - Baptized December 28th, 2019

We been cleaning and cut all the trees that are collapsed by the wind.  We spent 2 hours cleaning besides this we move other things that are falls by the winds of the typhoon.  It was raining hard while we were working.

When we are finished, you can see the view is clearer than before

Walking back to our apartment after service


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