Week 18: The Power of the Book of Mormon

    WELL!! About my last week, it's getting slowly that I am getting to my 5th month.  You know that we welcome the Christmas season by walking down the streets, standing in the peoples front doors, and in the jungle.  So a little about the people we been working with - it is so awesome to see the peoples attending church again.  This are peoples who are been members but then become less active.  As well, we have new investigators attending church. 
     I just wanted to share my testimony about the Book of Mormon.  I know that the Book of Mormon is a tool for missionary work.  Without it, we cannot do the missionary work as well as the Preach My Gospel and other tools.  The word of God has the power to change each and everyone's life if we pray for it.  It will be meaningful to our Heavenly Father if we keep His commandments and being worthy in his sight.  I am looking forward this weekend.  We will baptize someone.  I will not show her name now but you will read it in my next coming week.  Keep reading the Book of Mormon because God has answered to our prayers in His words.  I am testify this that it is true because I AM EXPERIENCING IT NOW IN MY MISSION.  So I testify that God has prepared those peoples or His childrens in our ways.  If we keep striving to look for those peoples in our prayers and by being worthy in his sight.  This is my prayer.  I say in Jesus name, AMEN.

Elder Bateiti

A Beautiful Day in the Lord's Kingdom

Mount Mayon - Active Volcano in our Area

Selfie with My Brothers in the Lord

Elder Bateiti and Elder Cabatigan Wearing Matching Ties and Clips Sent from the United States

We Are As the Army of Helaman - We'll Bring the World His Truth

Talking to the Gutierrez Family on P-day


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