Week 1: The Field is White

Kumusta, (Hello)

     I am excited to go to my mission field as I know that the field is white already!  Life here is like celestial.  Anyways, I am trying my best as I can with the power of the Holy Spirit.  Last night we listened to Elder Smoot.  He shared some good testimonies which make my eyes burst with tears.  I want to be one with my kasama (companion).  I find in D&C 38:27 to be one.  I also find out all about the spirit in 2 Nephi 2:5.  All the scriptures I get to see through my studies are so helpful to me and also for my purpose in being a missionary.  Kahil means without the holy spirit and without studying the scriptures and the missionary handbook, I will be far away from my purpose.

    In the Philippines, it has many population and it amazed me.  It is shows in the street as well many traffic.  It is the most beautiful country I have ever see with lots of vegetables and food.  The people are so nice and kind like my Kiribati.  Everytime it is always raining here.  I am getting big over here but it all good.  I go to the MTC gym and it makes me happy.  I feel healthy more here spiritually, mentally, physically, and good emotions.

     The good news from here is I was companions with Elder Watson.  He's from California.  He is assign to Legazip Mission too.   I am really love it here and I know that I am not here by accident.  But I am where I am absolutely supposed to be.

Kitakits Mamaya, (See you later)

Elder Bateiti

The Field is Already White

Beautiful Country of the Philippines


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