Week 35: Still on Quarantine

     My families need to create their email accounts because my mission president will help me out with texting him and he will paste my message to their email.  I will not be able to communicate with them because it is so risky here.  The virus is everywhere and many people have it.  I love you all and the quarantine is extended until May 15th but as I know it will be still extended.  I don't know when the quarantine will end.  Many cases of Coronavirus are discovered here in Albay.  I'm still praying for you all that you may be safe from this pandemic virus.

     We still contact members and investigators through cell phone calls and texting.  They said that soon we may get smart phones after this long quarantine.  The government is so strict.  We are not even allowed to buy anything because of the safety of the people.

     I'm doing okay.  Still helping our mission president with moving the work forward.  I am praying hard and doing my very best to overcome the trials I am facing every day.  I am still praying for miracles that we can get the work moving forward.  Kiribati still has no Coronavirus so that it why it is better that I am not going back home to finish my mission.  I would not want to spread the virus there.  I am happy that I am not going home.  Things happen according to His wisdom.  I am happy to have more time to learn God's wisdom by keeping His commandments now and forever.

     Right now we are still transferring all the contacts of investigators for the cellphones that were left by the American missionaries to the missionaries who are in the different areas.  We cannot go visit them so that is what our work looks like.  We are trying to contact them through members sharing some lessons and calls on the phone. It is time to end.  I will not forget about you all in my prayers. 

Elder Bateiti


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