Week 95: Mission Leadership Conference

 Hello everyone!  This week was a very special week for me and my companion because we have been finding some new people and we have been doing some successful tasks.  This Sunday we were so grateful that we were able to visit the Lunas family.  If you remember Brother Jerly and his son, Jonel, they were there as we were able to share a lesson with them.  We were so happy that Brother Lunas' mother, Lilia, was also abel to listen and gave of her time to listen to the gospel of Jesus Christ lesson.  She is a Catholic and willing to listen to us because she had an experience with the missionaries when she was 18 years old.  We are so grateful for the help and fellowship of the Cervantes family and Sister Angela as they joined us in our discussion.  After the discussion, we invited them to read the Book of Mormon and Brother Jerly couldn't wait to read as he kept looking down and reading the introduction of his new Book of Mormon while we were almost at the end of our lesson!!  Ha, ha.  His mum Nanay Lunas said she's willing to accept a copy of the Book of Mormon and was grateful that she had this day off so we were able to teach her.  It is sad that she will get back to her job but we hope and pray that we will see her again.  

     We have had some other successful stories but I will tell you about it later because I have to do my laundry now.  The washing machine is calling me and my laundry basket is so tired of waiting for me outside.  I love you all and thank you for all the emails last week.

     I almost forgot that we had a Evander Mission Leadership Conference with the other zone and were able to get and learn things that we need to improve more.  We got some cool ways to reach out as other missionaries shared all their experiences on how they find and teach those people who have been struggling with their schedules.  The good thing is that they were able to find solutions and we were able to add those things that will be able to help each missionary to improve and find more new people to invite them to come unto Christ.  With the help of our mission leaders, everything is easier.  The things that I really like about my mission leaders is that they are good teachers.  They are always positive and always looking for better solutions.  If they see anything, they help all the missionaries to be part of the gathering of scattered Israel and always make sure everyone is not left behind.  I have some cool pictures at the MLC event and with our teaching appointment with the Lunas family.  I hope that these pictures really helps you more to become a diligent and hard worker.

Elder Bateiti

Picture with my batch - if you remember those 3 missionaries

Mission Leadership Conference

Elders from my batch - they are great leaders.

Mango graham is my favorite!

Legazpi District

Legazpi District

Looks like breadfruit but it's delicious

The members offered us some but we can't bring it with us because we have an appointment.


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