Week 48: Following Christ's Example - Just SMILE!!


      Hello everyone!  I am so happy to share some of my highlights this week.  So let's go!!  We had a cleaning up in front of the meeting house.  I can say that is was successful.  The yard trees are much more beautiful then before and the decorative plants were beautiful.  So I thought I was going to die because we didn't know that the plant leaves make us itchy and so we all got very itchy.  

     We got some people to teach and my companion and I plan to have 5 new referrals.  As we were teaching, we sang a song and then we asked if they have any friends there.  We were so happy that we got to teach some.  

     I just wanted to share some of my readings from this week.  A quick thought that I have shared before but can be super helpful in times especially like today.  It's in 3 Nephi 19:  25 & 30: "(25) And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them as they did pray unto Him; and his countenance did SMILE upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus; and behold the whiteness thereof did exceed all whiteness, yea, even there could be nothing upon Earth so white as the whiteness thereof.  (30) "And when Jesus had spoken these words he came again until his disciples; and behold they did fast and pray steadfastly, without ceasing, unto him; and he did SMILE upon them again; and behold they were white, even as Jesus".  

     Super simple but powerful message.  SMILE!!  A smile can take a rough day and turn it into a better one.  A smile can take a great day and make it unforgettable.  Take the time to smile at someone today!  Even if you are wearing a mask, just smile with your eyes!!  Ha, ha.  It works just try it.  Make someone's day unforgettable and follow Christ's example of sharing our light daily.  We have the power to change lives and just like Christ did and it could start out with a simple smile.  

Ngumiti kayo lagi!  Keep on smiling!!

Elder Bateiti


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