Week 56: First Week As a Zone Leader


      This week has been rough because on Tuesday and Wednesday we have been out to Tabaco for my companion.  We are so grateful that he was able to get his medicine and have a check up by the doctor.  He seems much better now than before and he keep using his medicines.  The only thing is that I think he's ok.

     So on Thursday, I was able to know some of the members through calling and Messenger by sending a video clip introducing myself.  I am still looking forward to talking to more of our friends and members here in the Tiwi Branch.  The thing here is that most of the members are busy each day and so we were trying to get them at night or on the weekend like Sunday.  Sometimes if we are able to contact them, we send some messages to them and always try to talk to each one of them.  

     Although it was a rough week, we are so grateful that we are able to make it to this new week.  I know I am new in this calling as a zone leader that God has given me and I hope I would be useful for this zone with my companion.  So this week I have been taking notes and familiarizing myself with what my companion has been trying to do.  I am asking questions and studying more on how to communicate well in listening and working on always being a good example for everyone.  I am grateful that each day I learn and I am still excited more for the days to come to learn more wisdom and to improve more so that I can fulfill whatever God's will or whatever God wants me to become.  I am grateful for my companion and still we need more time to learn from each other.  I know for sure if we keep the standards and follow ng abat na foundation na meron natin it will bless us as companions and to help our fellow missionaries.  

     So this week I would like to share what I have been learning from the Book of Alma Chapter 16.  I really like the story of Zoram with the Nephite and his sons.  As it says in Verse 5, "Therefore, he that had been appointed chief captain over the armies of the Nephites, (and his name was Zorma, and he had two sons, Lehi and Aha) - now Zoram and his two sons, knowing that Alma was high priest over the church, and having heard that he had the spirit of prophecy, therefore they went unto him and desired of him to know whatever the Lord would that they should go into the wilderness in search of their brethren, who had been taken captive by the Lamanites".  In this chapter, it tells about how Zoram seeks help from Alma who is one of the high priest po dohoon.  We can see here how they prefer God as they began to serach for their brethren who has been caught as prisoners by the Lamanites in the desert.  

     In verse 8, we find out how they are able to come upon the Lamanites and drive them to the desert where they freed their brothers from their hands.  I know for sure that if we prefer God in all our ways even in this time, we will be set free from the adversary.  I know for sure that God really talks to his chosen prophet and other leaders through the Holy Ghost.  I really love what Elder and Sister Rasband said this morning on how they shared what our prophet, Russell M Nelson, says last General Conference, "spend more time to hear that small voice".  In my life, I get to know that the Holy Ghost talks to many people especially our leaders and our companions.  If we keep following that small voice, it will help us to keep safe from all the things we might not know.  I know the Book of Mormon is true and that Jesus Christ is leading His church.  I know that our leaders have been appointed by God just like the missionaries in His work.  I love the people in this area and my companion.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder Bateiti

Elder Bateiti finding joy in his missionary service.

Dinner with hot peppers.  The people love hot peppers here.


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