Week 70: Polangui Branch Is On Fire

 Hello!  Kamusta po kayong mga kapatid sa pananampalataya,

     The work here in Polangui is on fire and we had a good time in finding potential members and friends missionaries that served here before the lock down.  The good thing is that we found some of them and it so inspiring to hear from them how they are really striving in this period of quarantine.  My companion and I try to relate our teachings to their concerns.  We are focusing on our key indicators so that we would have names behind the numbers.  

     I have a highlight from this week. Last Saturday, when we were trying to knock on a door but we hear "isang tatay" which means "I don't care for what you are saying" so we continue slowly on to find the others.  The successful thing is that we found a couple who are married non-members and we shared only about the importance of the family in God's plan as the central unit in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They were so stoked seemed like they needed to know more about it.  The husband told the wife that they need to get married in the church and that we have to teach Sister Jenjen so that we can baptize her and that they will become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

     We also had some cool experiences this week because tatay Randy attended church this week and Sister Maria din po with Sister Leora.  Tatay Randy is doing great on the word of wisdom but right now we have been encouraging them to get papers for their marriage.  We were trying to find any other referrals and we found Sister Aileen.  She was nice and we are able to give her a Book of Mormon and she said she will read it.  She works in a "Chuks to Go fried chicken shop".  She has children who are teenagers and we are looking forward to meeting them this week.  We have contacted her and look forward to meet her.  

     Also we found Jocelyn Roselada and we could see in her face that she wanted to hear more and understand more about the gospel.  I could tell.  Besides that we were trying to visit one more sister who was a referral from social media who is very sick.  She said that she really needs Jesus Christ and said that she will get better if she listens more about Him.  The sad thing is that we aren't seeing her because she's not in a good situation with her sickness so we are still praying for her to be healed.

     While I am writing, I am feeling God's love for us and the people we are working with in this area.  I just wanted to share some of my experiences in my previous area.  I remember back in lock down and I thought my whole mission we would be in quarantine until I finished.  One Christlike attribute has really taught me a good lesson and I really love it.  Sister Gutierrez shared this in her email about her scripture study from Come Follow Me.  In Moroni 7:45-47, we learn about charity.  It says, "And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth no, an is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in inquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.  Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth.  Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things myst fail.  But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, if shall be well with him".  One thing that Sister Gutierrez shared with me from her study this week is that charity never faileth because it is the pure love of Christ.  We must INFUSE CHARITY into each situation.  This really inspired me and that is why I wanted to put it in my blog to be a reminder and that it will help me and the others who will read it.  

      I am grateful for the mercy and love of God and that all the trials he has given me because I get to know Christ more.  I know that I will have more trials to come because we are subjected to them but Jesus Christ said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me".  I know there's no other things that will help us find peace in this world only Jesus Christ.  His teachings, doctrines and gospel, and commandments are the way.  If we strive to live them and share all all His love and our testimony of Him by spreading our faith, we will be guided and be a useful instrument for His children who need help.  Be the light and light the path of others this Christmas.  

     To close my letter, I would like to end with one quote from Elder D. Todd Christopherson that really gives my hope.  It comes from his talk last General Conference.  "Be faithful but not faithless"  I love you all and I would like to say to you all Merry Christmas and enjoy your Christmas wherever you are.

Elder Bateiti

These two youth are converted members.  One's name is Raf and he was converted by a missionary in my batch.  He's willing to serve his mission and always helps us work and fellowship with his simple testimony.
My companion and I

Sister Leora is the one we have been teaching.  She is progressing and she is joining us with the youth in working and fellowshipping because she had a cool experience with the Book of Mormon.

Working Until the Sun Sets

Elder Bateiti - Polangui Area

Sister Maria Attended Church

Sunday Service


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