Week 30: Covid-19 As Prophesied

Mauri Everyone,
     The work is kind of hard now but that is what has been prophesied for all of us.  If any of you have heard of it and yes you all have heard of it.  Last Monday, we received strict guidance about the Covid-19.  The family that we have been teaching for four visits now don't want us to come again because of this sickness.  We understand their situation.  Even the people we have been talking to while walking are so panicked and that makes them afraid to talk with us.  They don't even want to look into our eyes.

     There are some rumors about people who are infected.  Just as they say in the report that last month there were 40+ people but right now there are 98 people who got it and even die from it.  That is the whole Philippines total number.  We are worried and we have been preparing for it.  Last Friday, we run to the market to get some alcohol hand spray for killing germs.  We are so shock because they are running out of stuffs.  Luckily, the last pharmacy we get the last four 70ml of alcohol.  We return back home thinking we are safe but what about the others?  The ministry of health here is announcing that there are no more meetings, vacations, or birthdays, etc.  People are now following the government instruction so that is good news.

     We have a transfer right now but missionaries can only to areas nearby within one hour because the roads have been closed down and flights are closed down too.  Just for the safety of the people here because no cases of Covid-19 have been found in the province where I am serving.  I have heard from other missionaries in the mission that they are not working and are still in their apartments.

     I am looking forward to my new companion now because we will be preparing ourselves before this coming new week.  Beside that we will be working house to house on Sunday giving the sacrament to those who need it.  I mean for those who don't have priesthood and worthy members in their homes.

     I would like to share some of the scriptures I have been reading this week.  D&C 109:23 states, "And from this place they may bear exceedingly great and glorious tidings, in truth, unto the ends of the earth, that they may know that this is thy work, and that thou hast put forth thy hand, to fulfill that which thou hast spoken by the mouths of the prophets, concerning the last days".

     D&C 109:45 "We know that thou hast spoken by the mouth of thy prophets terrible things concerning the wicked, in the last days - that thou wilt pour out thy judgments, without measure".

     John 3:16 "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

      I think that is all from me and take care everyone.  We are in the last days but we can only find peace in Jesus Christ.  With so much tribulation and chaos in the world, we are often left wondering where we can go to bring peace into our lives.  In his book, Mark E. Petersen shares how Heavenly Father established His church on the earth and the message of peace it brings to the world.  I testify there is peace in Christ only.

- Elder Bateiti



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