Week 77: I Love the Polangui Area

 Kam na bane ni mauri tariu ao maneu n te bon ae nang tamoaroa aio.

     The work is getting slow but not too slow.  We are trying our best to start again after last week.  We had mission tour and we received an invitation from Elder Wakolo to double our baptism numbers and extend our invitation to those people we have been teaching in our area.  Last Thursday, we had a district council meeting and we set a goal to have 10 baptisms this February.  So, this is what we are looking forward to even though the work is getting so slow but we are trying to move forward.  

     This Sunday I was able to give a talk in the Polangui Branch.  I was able to talk about mission work.  I was so happy that my talk was going great.  I was taglish and I could see that everyone was beaming.  I am so grateful that this is the first time I have given a talk and it was really great.  My talk basically focused on D&C section 4.  I have hope for the people in Polangui and I felt that they learned more new things about how they can participate in the missionary work. 

     One thing that I focused my talk on was 1) How can we participate in missionary work? 2) What are the things that stop us from missionary work?  Well!  As it mentions in D&C 4:6, remember to have faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, and diligence.  These are the tools that we need to immerse ourselves in missionary work.  I also love verse 3, "Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work".  This is the precious that us Latter-day Saints need to have in our hearts.  As we all know, we cannot serve Heavenly Father is we don't love him.  In John 14:15, it states, "If you love me, keep my commandments".  From this verse it tells us that if we keep him commandments, we are serving Him in different ways of showing our love to Him.  We can do this through missionary work.

     In question #2, what are the things that stop us from missionary work?  If we don't keep the commandments of God, we are being rebellious.  Rebellion, hatred, and contention are great barriers for missionary work.  We all know that we surrendered our weapons of rebellion when we get baptized.  During our baptism, we accept Jesus Christ- that He is our Savior and He is our Redeemer which is the Son of God.  As it says in D&C 4:1 "Now, behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men".  This is how we understand our purpose.  A marvelous work tells us that there is a work for us to do.  You and I have a work to do which is called missionary work and it's a marvelous work for the salvation of God's children.  Before we sleep at night, we lay our faults before God and ask for forgiveness.  The next day we continue on our work.  I know I have a work!  What about you??  What is your work??

Elder Bateiti

Corn Farm in Napo

Tag Picture by the Napo River

Tatay Randy and his wife Charice


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