
Showing posts from May, 2021

Week 94: Farewell President Manahan

 Hello and Mauri everyone,      This week was another fast week and there are some up and down experiences that we have had in our area followed by tender mercies yesterday.  Let's go . . . .     Yesterday we visited some of the members who have been living high up on the highway and we found out that she left for work just a few minutes before we arrived.  Her neighbor told us that and so we were trying to explain ourselves to him and his cousin.  We found out that her sister is a member.  He introduced himself to us and we found out that he is a Eglesia in Cristo and his name was Kyle.  He was 17 years old.  I forgot his cousins name but he was 15 years old.  We had some HTBT to them and got to know them better.  We set up a time that we could come back again on Saturday.  They said yes which really makes us excited for this coming Saturday.         This Sunday we could see many members attend church because it's a farewell departing ceremony for President Manahan.  We were s

Week 93: The Work Rolls Forth in Kiribati and Legazpi Mission

 Hello po sa inyo magandang araw po sa inyo.      This week has been interesting for us because we have been working with the members little by little.  The biggest highlight of the week is that last Sunday we worked with two Melchizedek Priesthood brothers with ministering.  Brother Joseph and his wife with Brother Mike and his cousin took us to one inactive members home.  It was really helpful for this lady because she is in need of God's words because she has been inactive for almost one year.  We tried to share with her about the 5 principles of the gospel and asked her some inspired questions.  Whereby we reminded her of her covenant which is the third principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We invited her to pray and to attend church.  She has been endowed and she was willing to come to church but she needs extra strength and prayers so she will be able to act upon the commitment that God has given her.        We were also able to call on some other interested friends this

Week 92: Let Your Light Shine

Hello everyone,       This week is so fast and we each day had it's own challenges.  So this is where I'll write about this week.  It was really fast and now I'm grateful how I feel about God's mercy to all His children especially to those who have said that God's mercy is gone.  We had some good success from last week.  One tender mercy is that some members who had not attended church attended Sacrament meeting yesterday.  We are still hoping they can continue onward.  We have met with Brother Jerly Junes who is really excited to be meeting with us.  His wife is a member but inactive because she has been sick.  It's the first time we introduce ourselves to him as bilang servant of Jesus Christ.  He's working at the airport and he's a Catholic member but still looking for the truth.  That's what I can tell while I was listening to him yesterday.  They have been married in the Catholic Church and have one 10 year old son.  Yesterday we were able to sh

Week 91: Brother Carl's Baptism

 Hello everyone!  Kam na mauri mai Birbin.  Te makuri ikai is still moving forward this week.  We are able to visit some friends and inactive members on Saturday and invited them to attend church.  Because of lockdown it's so hard for them to attend church and it's been more than 4-5 months since they have attended church.  Yesterday, Sunday, we were so happy that they attended church and so happy that they were able to come even though it's 10 kilometers away from their homes.        Last Saturday we received news that the Anislag area which is one of our farthest areas will have a unit.  That means they are going to have a meeting house so that they will be able to attend church nearby where they live.  We also had a baptism for Brother Carl whose family hasn't attended church for many months.  It was a blessing for me to baptize him because his baptism has been delayed five times because of lockdown.  We were able to get help from the Bishop and members to support th

Week 90: Patience In Trials

      This week we have been calling the members and asking them for a favor.  We want them to send their short video clip in which they will answer the following two questions about the Book of Mormon.  1)  What is the Book of  Mormon? 2)  What would your life be like without the Book of Mormon?  We were so happy that they were willing to help and they said that they will send it to us this week as soon as possible.      We also called other members to set up an appointment but they told us not to visit them because they have positive cases of COVID-19 in their area.  We have some other barangay in Anislag who have been in quarantine.  But, we are so grateful for the technology that we have because we are able to call them and share singing and reading with them.  We will have a baptism this Saturday of a member's son who has been listening to us when we were allowed to have teaching appointments before lockdown.  This week we have been looking forward to seeing if lockdown will b