Week 94: Farewell President Manahan

 Hello and Mauri everyone,

     This week was another fast week and there are some up and down experiences that we have had in our area followed by tender mercies yesterday.  Let's go . . . .

    Yesterday we visited some of the members who have been living high up on the highway and we found out that she left for work just a few minutes before we arrived.  Her neighbor told us that and so we were trying to explain ourselves to him and his cousin.  We found out that her sister is a member.  He introduced himself to us and we found out that he is a Eglesia in Cristo and his name was Kyle.  He was 17 years old.  I forgot his cousins name but he was 15 years old.  We had some HTBT to them and got to know them better.  We set up a time that we could come back again on Saturday.  They said yes which really makes us excited for this coming Saturday.  

      This Sunday we could see many members attend church because it's a farewell departing ceremony for President Manahan.  We were so happy to talk with some priesthood and report to them our work in the Anislag area.  Tatay Jhun was willing to help us and work with us this coming Saturday for ministering.  This really makes us so happy that they are willing to help us move the work forward.  We also reported to our Bishop about our work and that we have seen some progression in the Anislag area because there are some youth attending church and that's really cool to see them renew their covenant with Heavenly Father.  

     After that, we tried to walk to one inactive member on the other highway and finally got to one sister which is a best friend of Sister Catheleia.  She's an open minded girl that is 25 years old so we taught her a lesson about the life of Jesus Christ while her grandmother was with us listening also.  Things were going so well so we were able to add her on Messenger and we invited her to pray.  She prayed because she is a Catholic but it really seemed weird but she is interested to listen more.  She explained that she has a job as an accountant and has many school modules but we hope and pray that we will be able to continue lessons with her for next week if she is not too busy.

     We were also able to visit Nanay Atos living back out from the roads.  When we got there, we could see many people singing and drinking which really made us feel uncomfortable.  As we got closer, we found Nanay Atos cleaning and sitting beside her granddaughter and her face looked sad.  She told us to bless her granddaughter and afterwards, she told us sorry.  We asked her what the reason to say sorry.  She told us that there was some partying and drinking at her home even on Sunday.  As she was talking she was crying.  We really tried to comfort her and told her that Heavenly Father loves her and knows her problems even that she is the only member with her granddaughter.  They really try their best to show good examples but she told us that everyone told her that she doesn't care about her other daughters.  We told her that we are there to help her and she can pray and ask Heavenly Father so she can feel peace and she could ask for some help from the other members.  We told her that she is not alone and that Jesus Christ will help her if she will keep her trust and hope on Him.  After all, it was getting dark and we saw that she looked happy and her face with smiling that means she really feels like she belongs to God's family.  She said thank you again for visiting me at this time.  We left her and then walked back immediately to another appointment.  

     I learned this week that God really trusts us and really called us at this period of time.  All He wants us to do is obey Him so that we can receive all those spiritual gifts.  To receive the gifts, the real requirement is to give heed to that small voice by keeping the commandments.  We have been called by a loving prophet, Russell M. Nelson, and we can help build up His kingdom at this time wherever we are now.  Being a good steward, be faithful and do your best to serve in the capacity we have been called and then turn it over to God.  He will provide the increase.  Be holy and righteous, set apart for the cause.  Be wise - be thoughtful and ask God what you can do to be diligent in your calling.  I know all these things are true because we have been guided to some people that we really don't know but they are there to listen about the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Thank you all for all the good examples you have had shown to all God's children.  Always stay safe.

Elder Bateiti

Farewell to the Manahan Family

Farewell President Manahan

Jesus Christ's Atonement is Our HOPE in This Life

We are blessed to have a living prophet, President Russell M. Nelson

Eating with my Housemates - Elder Bateiti, Elder Villar, Elder Dela Vega, and Elder Valdez



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