Week 93: The Work Rolls Forth in Kiribati and Legazpi Mission

 Hello po sa inyo magandang araw po sa inyo.

     This week has been interesting for us because we have been working with the members little by little.  The biggest highlight of the week is that last Sunday we worked with two Melchizedek Priesthood brothers with ministering.  Brother Joseph and his wife with Brother Mike and his cousin took us to one inactive members home.  It was really helpful for this lady because she is in need of God's words because she has been inactive for almost one year.  We tried to share with her about the 5 principles of the gospel and asked her some inspired questions.  Whereby we reminded her of her covenant which is the third principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We invited her to pray and to attend church.  She has been endowed and she was willing to come to church but she needs extra strength and prayers so she will be able to act upon the commitment that God has given her.  

     We were also able to call on some other interested friends this week.  It is so sad that some of them can't be reached because of the poor Internet network.  We are grateful to send them some messages as a lesson and look forward to meeting them as soon as possible.  

     This Sunday we saw many new faces attend church and a few did not attend the sacrament because  of some unexpected excuses.  We are still praying for their safety and God's care upon them.  For Brother Lunas, we didn't share a lesson with him this week because his boss didn't allow him to get Sunday off.  We are still looking for more opportunities to try to visit the referrals that we have received last week.  

    Lyon po ang aking report po President Abraham and there are many things that I learned this week.  One thing that I wanted to share is to keep moving forward with diligence and strict obedience.  This week I received some cool emails about the new temple in Kiribati and some pictures of it.  It really melted my heart with excitement.  

Elder Bateiti

Beautiful Scenery

Rendering of the Kiribati Tarawa Temple

Temple Site in Kiribati

Ministering and Eating Corn

Elder Bateiti and Elder Villar

Nice View of Mt. Mayon


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