Week 92: Let Your Light Shine

Hello everyone, 
     This week is so fast and we each day had it's own challenges.  So this is where I'll write about this week.  It was really fast and now I'm grateful how I feel about God's mercy to all His children especially to those who have said that God's mercy is gone.  We had some good success from last week.  One tender mercy is that some members who had not attended church attended Sacrament meeting yesterday.  We are still hoping they can continue onward.  We have met with Brother Jerly Junes who is really excited to be meeting with us.  His wife is a member but inactive because she has been sick.  It's the first time we introduce ourselves to him as bilang servant of Jesus Christ.  He's working at the airport and he's a Catholic member but still looking for the truth.  That's what I can tell while I was listening to him yesterday.  They have been married in the Catholic Church and have one 10 year old son.  Yesterday we were able to share with them the importance of a family and he looked like he didn't know it.  We had been having a discussion on how the gospel is a blessing for each family and that this gospel is really centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ.  
    We have a part member family who is named Joseph.  He works side by side us once a week with his son, Jadyn.  Their testimony of the gospel has been a blessing to them and that's why they share it as well.  We also have some referrals who are interested in the gospel and we have been still looking for a possible time to contact them.  I have been familiarized with the area now and am so happy that I have known some members and can work more to the very best of my strength with my companion.  I could see here we are finally seeing more fruits of our labors.  That is a good feeling and I'm grateful to see progress in the area.

     The second part of my email I just want to share some of the things that I learned in my personal study.  I learned that the truth is never kept hidden if you are sharing the truth and you live it.  We talk about Christ, we have the light of Christ, and that light brings many more fruits and lighten others paths.  3 Nephi 16:7, "Behold, because of their belief in me, saith the Father, and because of the unbelief of you, O house of Israel, in the latter day shall the truth come unto the Gentiles, that the fulness of these things shall be made known unto them".  This is the account of Nephi when Jesus will visit others of the lost sheep of Israel.  In the latter days, the gospel will go to the Gentiles and then to the house of Israel.  The Lord's people will see eye to eye when He brings again Zion.  D&C 6:34, "Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail".

    Lastly, I just wanted to share some other things that I am learning this week and that is to be patient at all times.  To build our faith more and to be ready spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  I love you everyone and please to those who haven't written their letters to me, please write anything.  I miss all your letters and don't think I am not reading all those letters.  I read them when I have time.  Thanks to those who still write a letter to me.  I appreciate it.  Mahal ko po saimo.  Stay safe and take care.

Elder Bateiti

We returned a wallet to this lady.  We found her dad's wallet and it has been in the mission office for more than one year and we were able to find her on social media.  What a blessing for the use of technology.  The world is one big family.


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