Week 119: Updates From My Time in Croatia

      Good day to you everyone.  Here are some updates from the beginning of my time here in Croatia.  I have had many cool moments on how the Lord really needs each and every one of us.  Sometimes we might think that we have done nothing during this period of lockdown but I tell you many things I have done here in Croatia.

     When I first arrived here, the field here in Croatia is already white and ready to harvest.  Me and some missionaries that I have been working with have found many friends.  Although some of them are Croatian, I am grateful that we were able to talk with Filipinos and one of them was a returning member.  Jenn has been attending church and we have some other times that we met her as well as her friends.  We have been talking with as many people as we could.  

     The funny thing I observed here is that when you talk to people, they won't respond to you.  It is so weird for me to see them like that.  Despite that a few have responded but maybe this is the culture here in Europe.  They are not used to talking with people passing by but for me it's natural where I come from.

     This week was a little tough for me because it's getting colder and colder.  I am happy that I know many people and have talked to many people whenever we are on the tram.  Although these people may not accept us, we have been planting seeds.  We have a friend named Alex.  He was a Pinoy and referral from Elder Gubler and Elder Peterson and they found him on a tram.  The cool thing is that he was curious about the church.  He has been working here for some years with his wife and son.  I was able to call them on Messenger and now he is looking forward to meeting us in person.  He is kind of busy but I hope and pray that we will meet before I leave.  If not, the missionaries here will meet them because he mentioned that they will take us out for a hot drink but he doesn't know that we don't drink coffee.  Haha!!  

     The second highlight was last Saturday night.  We had a movie night and so my companion and I walked in a rush to the chapel.  While we were walking, I looked back and I saw a 14 year old boy keep following us.  As I looked at him, he stopped walking and I was so shocked seeing him because he looked so scared of me while my companions walked quickly in front of me.  I felt sad that he was scared when I looked at him.  I was prompted to look back at him again and say hi.  So I looked back again at him and removed my mask and smiled saying hi.  I tried to change his mind that I was a good person.  After that, I could see him look and he knows that I am not a bad person.  

    So we went the other way as he walked still following us.  I thought he was going to the mall so I never looked back again as we rushed toward the chapel.  When we got there, no one was present only the missionaries.  A few minutes later, I saw that young boy again sitting with the AP on the back row and I walked quickly and asked the AP if this was their visitor.  They said yes.  I looked at the boy's face and he responded yes so we tried to ask him how he came.  He said that he was so curious about the building because everyone says that this building is a place where an organization manipulates the teaching of Jesus Christ and they manipulate everyone to become more evil.  As he encountered us, he realized that we are such nice people and happy people so he was really confused because that is not what he heard from other people.  He later realized that they are wrong and he will tell his dad about it.  Lastly, he said that he will try to come after his graduation and we are so happy that we were able to talk with him and share our testimony all about the restored gospel by Joseph Smith including the Book of Mormon.  I was so happy that I gave him my last pass along card with the link of the church and phone number.  

     Lastly, we were so happy that there were so many in attendance this Sunday which is so great to see so many people come with those new friends that we have been teaching.  Thank you all for this and I hope I don't miss anything here.  I am so excited for another few days here in Croatia to learn more wisdom in keeping the commandments of God.  I hope you understand my English.

Elder Bateiti



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