Week 122: Quarantine Ends and Accepted to BYU Pathways

      I was supposed to go outside today and be finished with my quarantine but I'm not.  They say I will be going out tomorrow.  I have been Covid tested the first time and I got a negative test result.  Then the second test was yesterday but the results will be going out this evening so the mission president called me because they were at the reception area to pick me up but he told me I can't go out until tomorrow.  This evening I will get the second results.  The zone leader that will pick me up is from Tarawaieta where I lived!  So I'm so shocked that he is serving here.  They will pick me up tomorrow.  

     I am going to the church building today to take my language test for BYU Pathways.  I am nervous because I have been through many languages and English is getting older.  I will set my test in the afternoon after our baptismal interview with some of the missionaries who will get baptized this coming Saturday.  So my Ikiribati companion is going to give the interview because I can't at this time because I have an interview in the Tagalog way.  HAHA!!

Imatang Mum - Heidi Gutierrez helping get the BYU Pathways program set up so I can go to college.

Heber J. Grant Scholarship will help pay my tuition.  50% reduction through BYU-Pathways Worldwide and an additional 25% reduction for being a return missionary

$19.68 is the cost per semester before my scholarship.

I was awarded the Heber J. Grant Scholarship!!

$6.56 is the cost of my tuition per semester after my scholarship is applied.  School starts in January.

English test!!  I PASSED!!!


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