Week 3: Interesting Food!

     This week in the MTC we have to speak your language so sometimes my tongue right now is twisting and it's so hard sometimes for me to speak.  I get mixed up with Kiribati, English, and now Tagalog.  Three more weeks to go in the MTC.  My weeks are getting better than before.  I can say that everything getting more easier.

     Last night, we were having a balut.  It is a Philippian food that the egg and a small little chicken inside.  THAT I AM NOT EATING IT!!  But some missionary try it but I am afraid to eat it that I might get sick.  I was so shocked.  I am really love egg but that time I was so amaze seeing a little chicken inside the egg shell.  I love sea worms but for the egg here it is strange to me that the MUM LOVE LITTLE CHICKEN and she even always keep them when they are too small until she let them free when they are matured enough.  Without the chicken mother she cannot take care of them.  That is why I am so sad seeing the little chicken cook inside the shell.  I am so sad to eat them while they are dying.  Oooh!  Everyone try the chicken egg because we must have it in our mission field.

     The normal weather here is that it seems like it's always raining.  But Legazpi looks like Kiribati weather and missionaries from Legazpi said that we gonna have a spicy food and spicy ice cream.  I DON'T REALLY LOVE EATING SPICY FOOD but anyway I will eat them if members offer me.  I really miss the fish in Kiribati.  The fish that I have here are too small and many bones in it.  It is not tasty to me as I eat them.

     I have some scriptures that I get from the Provo Devotional this morning by one of the twelve apostles, Gary Stevenson.  This morning we have a Provo Devotional that was live by satellite.  The whole missionaries in the MTC's were seeing it.  It is about missionaries that God sent them to where they are going to serve their mission.  God always taken care of us even when it is hard but he will be by our side. Alma 26:37 "Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth.  Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever.  Amen."

     He also shared D&C 31:3 "Lift up your head and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation".  This scripture is about the gift of tongues that helps me to study the language and encourage me in the times I get depressed.  My language is getting better than before.  The last 3 days I experienced the gift of tongues.  While we were having a lesson, I struggled so I pray and I ask God for help and it really helps me at that time.

     I know that Heavenly Father love us and if we keep his commandments and obey all the mission rules that obedience is the gift from heaven.  He will continue to bless us and hear our prayers.  I know that Christ lives and the Book of Mormon is true.  The prophet Joseph Smith is a chosen one from Heavenly Father that restored the gospel.  I love missionary work!  Am Paghalan ni Jesu Cristo amen.

Elder Bateiti

Elder Bateiti Received His Endowments on September 4, 2019 in the Manila Philippines Temple

After my endowment, we were eating lunch and I felt happy with my kasarma (companion) in that day.  It will be a good memory of me that I will keep my covenants.

In the sacrament room with my district having a singing practice after the gym hour.  We had to sing last Sunday and it was really cool that it invite the spirit to all the missionaries at the MTC.


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