Week 4: Received My Patriarchal Blessing

Latest news from Elder Bateiti and the Manila MTC:

     This blog post is going to be written from the conversation that the Gutierrez family had with Elder Bateiti.  I was sitting at the computer when a call came through Google Hangouts from Elder Bateiti.  I quickly answered and I think that we were both a little surprised.  All of our communication previously was through Facebook Messenger so it was great to see him in person and hear what he sounds like.  Next week when he video chats, I will record it so the post can be in his English pronunciation.

     A big group of Elders left the MTC last week for their missions so his group are now the seniors.  He is serving in a trio of Elders now with Elder Watson and Elder Holland.  Elder Holland is from Modesto, California.  In the chat picture, Elder Holland is closest to Elder Bateiti on the left and Elder Watson next to him.

     There was a devotional this week with a seventy.  The MTC choir performed "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go" and brought the spirit to the meeting.  The seventy talked about thrusting in your sickle with all your might.  The scripture that he really liked this week was D&C 31:13 "Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you.  These words are not of man nor of men, but of me, even Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, by the will of the Father. Amen."  Elder Bateiti will use these words on his mission to move forward.

     One thing that he is really looking forward to is going out into the streets of Manila this week with the missionaries from the Manila mission.  They will begin splits with them.  He is a little nervous because his Tagalog language is not developed.  On of his favorite things to do is go to the temple every p-day.  He says he feels the spirit so strong.  This week he was also able to receive his patriarchal blessing.  It was such a spiritual experience for him.  Our family loved video chatting with our island missionary son today.  He will be an awesome missionary in the Philippines in bringing people to Christ.

With Love,
Heidi Gutierrez

Manila Phillilpines MTC Batch - Elder Bateiti is on the fourth row from the top on the left.

Video Chatting on P-day with the Gutierrez Family



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