Week 11: Missionaries Come Unto Christ

     This week seem to be different from the other past weeks.  We have 4 investigators that we teach.  They are live close to each other but they never knew each other that they all come from different religions.  Randy and Christen are the couple that we have been teach for more than three times with three small kids.  Sister Eula is one of the youngest.  She's 18 years old that we teach and her family are the Catholic members.  The other family Brother Labanda has one small young daughter.  They just started lessons with their family.

     The explanation of this picture is when we have a door knocking and it was so rainy that time and the thunder roar.  It is lightening which is make it easy that the dogs are afraid of thunder.  Our shoes get wet and I can feel that it is getting heavier and heavier because it is filled with water.  So as we stop by a store and talk with one of our investigators.  She's working in that small shop but she is progressing even though we cannot get inside the store.  She was so happy to talk with us in front of the counter.  While we keep standing and share our message.  We give her the Book of Mormon and we ask her to pray about if it is true.  The good thing here that in our third visit the day before we had given her an assignment to pray for it and she said she did.  She could feel the holy spirit and right now we keep coming to see her.  It is our fifth visit and she is always smiles when we come and we can see light in her eyes.  So we are happy for that.  She did pray and that is shows that she's progressing.  Her name is Sister Nanet.  We will still keep visiting her at the store.  So when we teach her, MANY CUSTOMERS COMES and buy something then we pause and talk with the customers saying, "kumusta young ang araw". . . that means how is your day.

      If we look at missionary work, we seek to live the Doctrine of Christ.  We teach what we live and we love what we believe.  We study them daily by seeking to preach the gospel by the spirit.  We do all things in cleanliness before the Lord to invite the Holy Spirit into our lives.  I just wanted to share my testimony that Jesus is the Christ.  His atonement is the center of God's plan because God love us that we are His children.  He rejoices in our progress because He understand our sorrows and weakness.
     If we come back to our Heavenly Father by faith that shows our path back to him.  By repentance daily, we will find everlasting joy.  Three things I wanted to point out that could help us stay active and help in the gathering of Israel in this dispensation 1)  Scripture study, 2) Attending the sacrament, and 3) Praying and communicating with God daily.

     I testify that Russell M. Nelson is the prophet chosen by God and he receive guidance from him through prayer.  The Book of Mormon is the words of God that testifies of Christ.  I know that Christ lives and this church is His church.  I say this things in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Elder Bateiti

Walking to the Store to Teach Sister Nanet

Teaching in the Rain, Teaching in the Rain


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