Week 13: Hello Elder Cabatingan and Malilipo

     So I was transferred to Malilipo and my first area is Daraga.  The people here are so nice and I am gaining weight.  They feed us and even they given us food also.  I always buy some vegetables nearby our apartment.  It is so close with the internet shop and the market shop.  It just only a 2 minute walk.  There's a bakery shop too which is good to me.  Everyday when we come back from work, we get many kinds of bread to eat.  At the back of us, our apartment is nearby the crater of Mountain Mayon.  My area is close to the coast of the province.  It is a small province and there are many trees here.  It is much better than my first area.  As we walk to the church, we could see the sea and I could taste the sea breezes.  As we walk, aahahha I am dreaming of Kiribati ahahha but the beach is dark brown.  Yes I love it!!  More ahahha!!  But the thing here at Sunday the people and the shops are still open and the people still work at Sunday.  Except in Kiribati at Sunday the majority of the people respect the Sunday.  There are some peoples here that don't believe in God.  All I have to do is to forget myself and press forward and do God's work.  Ahahaha I love missionary work!

     My new companion names is Elder Cabatingan.  He is from the island of Palawan.  He's a Fililpino and he's so nice.  He is saying that he's living nearby the sea too.  That means we are the same - Island Missionaries.

     We have some awesome investigators.  The little girl named Hazel in the pictures below wearing the red shirt.  She's 11 years old and we been teaching her. Many times from the past missionaries teach her but now that I am coming in this area she told me that I will baptize her and she's attending the church right now.  I will baptize her on 22 December.  We have another investigator.  She is 53 and her name is Lendar.  She's been teach by the missionaries from last September until now my companion and I were so happy that she's promising us to come to church in December.  Her lessons is been completed.  She have many grand children so it ws so good to teach her and she keep reading the Book of Mormon.  The problem is she is a busy woman with many grandchildren that she never get to church because they live far away from the church.  She promise us that she will come to church in December so we will keep her in our prayers and we still keep visiting her revising all the lessons.  She is been taught and when she had grandchildren there we invite them in our lesson.  They live close to her but a different house so it was so cool that her older son had attended the church.

     Yesterday we had a tracting with the future missionaries YSA.  We all separate the YSA and I am having a trio with my companion and one of the church members fellowshipping with us.  We set our goal to talk to many people as we can and we give them the pamplet about the restored gospel.  We explain all about it so beside that we explain with them about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and invite them to come next Sunday.  We also get new investigators.  We get 32 peoples to talk with and get only 5 new investigators from that amount.  We are looking forward this week that we will visit those that are happy to be visited again.  It is so successful to us that we get more than 20 peoples to talk to yesterday.  Some people who rejected us but we still keep them in our prayers.  So I counted those who attend the sacrament meeting yesterday and it only 55 but there were some who come late.  That sums up this week.

Elder Bateiti

Elder Cabatingan and Elder Bateiti 

Our church building in Malilibot

Elder Cabatingan and Elder Bateiti with a member

Beautiful countryside in the new area

Crater of Mountain Mayon

Elder Bateiti with Hazel - he will baptize her on December 22nd


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