Week 12: Goodbye Menas!

     This is last weeks report.  It was around 3:00 pm and we started walking to those that we are going to teach.  The first one that we plan visit is Brother Gonzales bahay (house).  This man we just only visited him once and for our third and fifth visit he never allow us in.  So this time on Saturday, I pray hard for him and ask for the holy spirit the comforter to help us and him to be happy as we visited him.  As we get there, I do the knocking as shout with a humble voice "Taopo!"  At the third time of shouting, we could see him walking fast toward the gate.  He says, "What can I do for you?"  Then we begin our conversation with a warm greeting and that how he let us in.  We are so happy and we use that time sharing with him about the prophets.  He has many questions but at the end he says I know that there is someone above in heaven looking over us.  So we tell him that if he can pray about the Book of Mormon and if it is true.  We ask him also to pray about the church to ask Ama (God) if it is Christ church.  So that is so sweet!  He say yes I will pray.  We ask him if we can come back later and bring the Book of Mormon to him and he says yes.

     For the second one which is Sister Nanet, the one that has work in a small canteen in front of her house.  As we visited for the 5th time, she allow us to get inside her house.  We teach her about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We review back the things about our last visit and she saying good that she keeps doing all the commitment we give her such like reading the Book of Mormon.  We aks her how id she feel when reading the Ang Aklat Ni Mormon (Book of Mormon).  She says that she feels the Holy Spirit.  She has many questions but my trainer keep answering her.  We tell her that the lessons will take in line by line so that she looks excited for our next visit.  The lesson that we teach her is about the words of God in the Book of Mormon and everything else about the blessings from his words and how it changes our life.  The thing here is she never really likes to pray.  This time we ask her to pray and she says "pagakgo" which means I promise so that is so sweet.  So we still praying for our investigators so that they can understand how much God really loves them.

     We do have other investigators that we visited but it always like this.  Our plans fail and sometimes in our next visit we succeed so this is how we work our area.  In one day we visited one area and the next day another area.  So in one week we could spend one visit in the four parts of our areas that we have.  In my observation, the peoples that we still visiting are all progressing and it is like we visit each one of them once a week.  Last night we visited Rojo family, a couple with 3 kids.  They are always happy in our visit and the wife called Christine is reading the Book of Mormon.  That is so sweet and the husband listen to us even though he's cooking.  He always comes back after cooking.  We sang hymns with them about the family can be together and their kids started following from us from the hymns that we sings that night.

     I want this week to be a very successful week because I am loving the area and the peoples.  As well I am sad that I am get transferred.  I know that I will come back to this area before ending my mission.  Tomorrow I will find out my new assignment.  I know that this is part of missionary work so I will keep pressing on.

     In Helaman 5:12 it says, "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall".  In this verse I learn that Jesus Christ is the only rock and He is our Redeemer.  We have to have his attributes that we cannot get pulled down by Satan if he sent forth his might winds.  Through Christ we build our foundation that no power can beat us or drag us down.  If men build their foundation upon Jesus Christ they cannot fall.

     I also love the scripture in D&C 100:1-9.  It says, "Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you, my friends Sidney and Joseph, your families are well; they are in mine hands, and I will do with them as seemeth me good; for in me there is all power" vs 2 "Therefore, follow me, and listen to the counsel which I shall give unto you"  vs 3 "Behold, and lo, I have much people in this place, in the regions round about; and an effectual door shall be opened in the regions round about in this eastern land"  vs 4 "Therefore, I, the Lord, have suffered you to come unto this place; for thus it was expedient in me for the salvation of souls" vs 5 "Therefore, verily I say unto you, life up your voice unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men; vs 6 "For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say vs. 7 "But a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall declare whatsoever thing ye declare in my name, in solemnity of hear, in the spirit of meekness, in all things" vs 8 "And I give unto you this promise, that inasmuch as ye do this the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say."  God really cares about my family at home.  It makes me so happy.  We can be an even happier family if they centered the gospel in the family.  The good news from home is that my nephew get baptize on the 2 of November by Elder Wright (American) and Elder Jeppson (California).  He is the the son of my sister.  I am so happy that more of my family join the church.

     I know that missionary work is God's work and is true.  I am ko po na Ama (God) given us the Book of  Mormon to guide us in this despensation and this church is true!  I know that Russell M. Nelson is a prophet chosen by God.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is true.  If we act with faith and exercise it, God will give us more things to do and ways so that we can help the gathering of Israel.  I say this things in Jesus name, the Redeemer and the Savior.  Amen.

Elder Bateiti

Prepare for the work

Last Tuesday, when I had a lunch take out from Jolibee

On our way to one of our investigators, Sister Nanet

Breakfast before study.  I am feeling satisfied now because I just could know where I could find my own food.

This is what the normal transport is here in the Philippines.  It is called Tricycle

Walking back home at night

My nephew, the older boy, was baptized on 2 of November by Elder Wright (American) and Elder Jeppson (California).  The young boy and the lady, Tibwe is a lady who always help the missionaries for their dinner.  Her husband gives his house to be rented by the missionaries and is a member.  Now she is baptized too.  I am so happy because I used to invite her when I am working with the missionaries before leaving on my mission.


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