Week 20: Filled with Joy - Happy New Year

Dios marai na umaga saindo gabos (Tagalog) or in English Good Morning to you all or in my own mother tongue Kam na bane n mauri n te ingabong ae tamaroa aio,

     Here we go - yesterday was a first Sunday of January 2020.  It is called the 1st Fast Sunday of January.  If you have been reading my blog, you know Nanay Garcia.  Yesterday, she attend church (the sacrament meeting) and other meeting of the church like Sunday School; meeting etc.

     It was a very special Sunday to all the members and non-members throughout the world.  You know what - I was feeling that Nanay Garcia will come to church because the spirit was so strong as we teach her on Saturday.  We extend our commitment to her to come to church.  So yes it was so wonderful seeing her coming to church.  I was filled with joy and I was so grateful to the spirit that God can touch her heart to come to church.  It had been more than six months from the time past missionaries have been visiting her until now.

     I was so amazed seeing new peoples coming to church.  Some of them less active members and others that we don't really know where they live.  So we have a chance to talk with one of them to get their contacts after the sacrament meeting.  One couple that we found from these peoples were a couple with five kids.  We remember once we meet them at the tobacco city.  We invite them to come to church so now they come with their whole family.

     There are many things happening yesterday.  I could see that the Lord really care about His peoples.  He really loves them and He wanted them to have a new and happy family.  Everyone looks happy as well as the members welcoming them with a warm greeting.

     I just wanted to share a scripture in D&C 18:10-11 and 15-18.   (10)"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God; (11)  "For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him".  (15) "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!" (16) And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"  (17) "Behold, you have my gospel before you, and my rock, and my salvation" (18)  "Ask the Father in my name in faith, believing that you shall receive, and you shall have the Holy Ghost, which manifesteth all things which are expedient unto the children of men."

     It is about the joy of bringing one soul to God.  How grateful is your Heavenly Father if you save one soul to Him or how grateful you are and your Heavenly Father will be if you bring many souls to Him.  I know that all the members in the whole fasting and praying for God's children on fast Sunday.  I know that if we have friends and families who don't know about the Gospel of Jesus Christ just share about it to them that they may know it.  They are God's children and God really loves them as he loves you too.  Always invite others to come with you to church even if they are not members.  Extend your invitation to them because someday they will come.  People grows and changes.  Remember that action is louder then words.

     So this New Year filled my heart with joy and to share the gospel to all God's children.  I think that is all about my week.  Happy New Year to you all!!  Let's press forward to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Elder Bateiti

This picture is one of the farthest area that we have and sometimes it reminds me of the missionaries in Kiribait.  When the river get so strong so we try to find ways to get to the other side because there are many active members on the other side of it.  It is called Binatayan which means death in their language.

This picture as you can see a small older lady folding her hands - that is Nanay Garcia.  (Nanay means old)  She is with some of the members at church.

From right to left:  Nelson, Elder Cabatigan, Marlon, Elder Bateiti, and Niko before heading to a tracting yesterday to one of the farthest areas we have called San Roque.  Every Sunday we do work with the youths and have a tracting with them so they may prepare themselves before their missions.  It was a successful Sunday because we find one family with grandchildren.  Her name is Behina Bitago and we will visit them again this week.  So we teach her and her son, John, about Lesson 1 principle 1.  It was so sweet and they were really interested in our message.  


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