Week 21: The Long Awaited Mission Conference

     This week we spent time in walking and door knocks for someone who will love to talk with us.  So we walk from Santo Cruz to San Isidro.  We talk to many peoples on the road because our lessons fell through.  Until we stop by a member who are inactive for more than one year.  We shared about keeping the Sabbath Day holy and we share some in Exodus 20 and D&C 59:12, "But remember that on this, the Lord's day, thou shalt offer thine oblations and thy sacraments unto the Most High, confessing thy sins unto thy brethren, and before the Lord".  We testify and shared the promise blessing with Bitantesi.

     We have been visiting this old man who is been sick for a couple months and have a rash on his whole body.  But this time, we find out that he don't have any rashes on his skin.  After the lesson, we ask him to close us with a prayer and he agreed to say a closing prayer.  As he was praying, we could see tears running down from his eyes and we could feel the power of the spirit at that time.

     This week we had Mission Conference in Legazpi.  The thing that I learn in the conference which is 2020 means vision.  Our mission president talked to the whole Legazpi mission that we had to renew more our vision and press forward in setting new goals to renew our visions towards our work or our labor in God's work.  This conference is like refueling to all of us, the missionaries, in our mission.  We have been empowered in our companionship.  We have all agreed to have a Tuesday 9:55 am, Monday 6:00 pm, and Sunday 7:00 pm united prayer for all the Legazpi missionaries.  We are all united on this days and hours.  We all have to kneel down and pray in our apartment.  We will pray for all the Legazpi missionary work and the peoples of our different areas asking God to help us in our work. 

     I just wanted to share my testimony that God really care and love His children.  Missionary work is God's work where he prepared those who could listen and be bless from His words according to His will and His timing.  Missionary work is not just for finding investigators but it is for helping sick peoples.  If we look back at Jesus life on the Earth, he heal the sick peoples in his ministering.

     I wanted to share some verses that I found during my personal study.  D&C  Sections 27-28 and 42&43.  The last one is D&C 58:4 "For after much tribulation come the blessings.  Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand".

     I testify that God can use each one of us if we strive to help others.  He can prepare His children on our path if we have faith in His sons' name, Jesus Christ.  I love missionary work because it is God's work and if we pray for God's help He will use us as His instruments to His children.  I encourage each one of you to look for others to help.  Not only  because you want to share God's words but because you love them and God will prepare those people for you.  I testify that missionary work is God's work and I know that the Book of Mormon is God's words.  This church called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church upon the surface of the Earth.  I say these things in Jesus name I pray Amen.

Elder Bateiti

Elder Cabatigan and Elder Bateiti with Sister Tune and Sister Karawa from Kiribati.  The two sisters from Kiribati finish their mission on February 5th.  

Elder Bateiti and Elder Cabatigan at Mission Conference- January 8, 2020


Elder Watson and Elder Bateiti (MTC companions) seeing each other at Mission Conference


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