Week 24: Look For Tender Mercies

Well Kumusta sayong lahat!!
      My week it been kinda hard but I am so grateful for the mercies of God.  He is always there in times of trials.  Here we go.  This week we been tracting each day and we started our tracting in Binitayan.  As we get in this small area, we find a couple family.  This family named Asencio have met with the missionaries before when they live in a nearby town.  It has been 4 or 5 years since they have seen them as they move to a new home and that how they lost contact with the missionaries.  We are so happy to introduce us and our layunin (purpose) so they agreed to visit them as well as the wife.  As we talk with Tatay Asencio, we been asking him if he has been baptized but he said that he never and he could remember attending church once or twice and no more as they moved to the new area.  As we talk with him, we ask him how he feels the time he attend church and he said that it is so brang masarap an pakiramdam niya (he feels happy and comforted).  So we are so happy and looking forward for the next visit. Besides that we find out some other members and inactive members.  We been asking for the nearby members for fellowship to the others.

     Last Sunday, we are able to teach the youth some tips and important of ministering.  We have a small scenario of how to approach with their friends and also to those they come across in the street because we find out here that the members and youth not really understand about the important of missionary work.  Besides that we are able to help them see how to share a simple wonderful message of the restored gospel through the atonement of Jesus Christ and how it really blessed the individuals and families realize that God really loves us because we are his children.  After that, we given each one of them a pamphlet and we started talking with everyone in the road, on the beach, in the shop, etc.  It is a success day and we all are happy that each one of us are able to talk with everyone.  I just wanted to say we are not looking for fun but we are helping them to overcome and experience the missionary work by talking to everyone about the church, the Prophet Joseph Smith who is chosen to be the prophet who restored the gospel.

     This night we receive some news from our district leader.  There is been a transfer tomorrow so we are been looking forward as they said there will be new missionaries arrive from February 4-6.  All of our district missionaries got transferred and only me and my companion have not yet received a call.  We think that maybe my training is gonna be follow up this one more week or if not we will train new missionaries.

      I just wanted to share my testimony about the trials we been facing with my companion.  My brother-in-law passed away last week and my companion's parents get divorced.  We know that God really love each one of us even in times of trials.  If we ask him to help us whatever the problem in our lives, death, sickness, broken hearts, or loss.  If we humble ourselves and kneel down to Him, he already hears us but he wanted us to knock on His door.  If we knock on His door, He will open it to us and if we ask Him he will answer us.  My companion and I are so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ that through it, we are able to overcome the trials.  It really shocks me that I can manage now the trials that still coming to me.  The only thing that helps me is I always humble myself to God and ask Him because I know He is always by my side.  I repent daily because I know I am not worthy but I am striving to be worthy.

     I just wanted to testify that we all grow and learn from all the trials we face in our life.  I want to share the following message from an email I received this week. (Credit to Don't Miss This podcast). "This life is like a journey in the wilderness.  We can learn how to handle our trials if we follow the good example of Nephi as our guide.  When Lehi and his family received the ball (Liahona), it led them to the more fertile parts of the wilderness.  In our lives, we need to consider; "Where are the fertile places for me?"  For me, I know it is in the temple.  The Lord speaks to us in our own language.  How does the Lord talk to you personally?  I testify that when we are experiencing trials, we can go to our more fertile parts of the wilderness and be directed by God and you will find strength.  When the trial is over, you will stand as a testimony to the goodness of God if you remain faithful through the trial."

     "When Nephi breaks his bow in 1 Nephi 16 and 17, we see two reactions by Nephi and Laman and Lemuel.  Laman and Lemuel maximize the trial by complaining and murmuring against the Lord.  They are also very angry.  Nephi tries to minimize the trial by speaking much (encouraging his family), finding a solution by building a bow and arrow, and went to his father the prophet to find out where he should go to obtain food.  I know that if we look for the tender mercies during our trials, the Lord blesses us just like he did Nephi."

     "The next thing that the Lord commands Nephi to do is build a ship.  He is not skilled but knows that with God all things are possible.  I really love this quote.  "The Lord invited Nephi to do something he has never done before to take him to a place he has never been before" - Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler.  He does the same things in our lives - serving a mission is definitely one of those things.  He called you on a mission because he is taking you to a place in your faith, obedience, and dedication that you have never been before so he can shape you into the person he knows you can become.  The experiences you have on your mission could not be experienced anywhere else.  Laman and Lemuel told Nephi in 1 Nephi 17:19 "We knew you were lacking in judgement (stupid) . . .Thou canst not accomplish this work".  But Nephi has brave trust that the Lord is going to lead him step by step.  His response is one that we can use in our own lives.  1 Nephi 17:51 "If the Lord has such great power, how is it that he cannot instruct me that I should build this ship?"  We find out why Nephi is successful in Chapter 18:3 "And I, Nephi, did go into the mount oft (go to the place where you can receive revelation), and I did pray oft unto the Lord; wherefore the Lord showed unto me great things".  The Lord will do the same for us!  He will guide and direct us as we put faith in him, are obedient so we can receive personal revelation, and pray often."

     "Every once in a while things line up step by step in our lives and great things come to pass.  We know how Nephi's story ends up - brave trust leads them to the promised land.  Miracles happen today just like in the Book of Mormon times.  I hope that you are writing down all the tender mercies of the Lord and the miracles you are seeing on your mission.  They will be faith building stories that you will share with your children and friends".

     This email above is very powerful to me and I love to put it in my blog so that it will help everyone who reads and ponders the good example of Nephi and learn lessons from him and his harden hearted brothers.  Love you all.

- Elder Bateiti

Visiting Mt. Mayon with the Romero Family for P-day

It is so cold up by Mt. Mayon

Visit to Mt. Mayon before Elder Cabatingan gets transferred.

Cool Tag Picture with Mt. Mayon in the Background

Eating Lunch with Elder Cabatingan


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