Week 25: Taught by President Abraham

     This week seemed fast para satin kasi lagi kami busy buong days hangang yesterday.  Gusto ko insulat ng aking weeks lets masalita English para mas understand all of you.

      Here we go!!  About my new companion - my companion didn't transfer so we both stay in our Malilipot area.  ahahaha peru oklang kami.  So about this week, we have been visiting Nanay Linda.  The thing here is she is progressing.  She read 1 Nephi and 2 Nephi Chapter 4.  She is progressing but her concerns are that she has many friends and peoples that often sees for local medicines and she also had a small canteen that makes her more friendly to the peoples.  She just attend one time church until now because she is very busy.  We have been tracting a lot and the thing here is the peoples are so busy because if they do not work, they will have nothing to drink or even eat.  The missionary work here seemed to be getting harder than before but we always try to find joy in looking for those who love to talk with us.  So we do a family home evening and other things and other works to fulfill our goals.  Some goals succeed but some almost succeed.

     Last Thursday, we had a district meeting and it was so cool to hear changes in our district even in the whole Legazpi mission.  Our Mission President is a good leader and he is trying his very best to lead our mission in fulfilling the goals and other things needed to improve and help the works and missionaries succeed.  There are many things I learn in the district meeting.  I learn about being a successful missionary to teach with the Holy Ghost.  As a missionary, we have to teach by the power of the Holy Ghost.  If we teach with our own understanding, we are not teaching the gospel because the Holy Ghost testifies of the gospel truthfulness.  As we united in companionship with the tools that we been using called the Preach My Gospel and the Book of Mormon which testifies of Christ in different experiences of prophets who received revelations by God, we are successful.  These tools are our tools to harvest and to do God's work.  Without them and also without the Book of Mormon, this church will not stand. 

     I had to share some of the text and chapters I love to read them again and again from the Doctrine and Covenants.  First, D&C 82:10 "I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise".  Last, D&C 6:33, "Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward".  I hope that you are all doing good and I had simple stories about my weeks now but I will try to write down many things for the coming new week.

     I love you everyone and I know God lives and that He is given us the commandments in order to have a happy life in this world and even after this life.  Keep choosing the right and use all your agency well that God has given us.  I am not perfect but I repent daily and I am striving to be obedient which is one of the precious gift from heaven.  I like to share one of our mission mottos that we always work with given by our Mission President.  "Obedience is our defense and the Holy Ghost is our weapon".  I wish you all the best this coming new week and I hope you like to use this motto because it will help you all.  I close these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

-Elder Bateiti

Beautiful Guitar Made Out of Turtle Shell

Turtle Shell Guitar

Last lunch with my past district.  Elder Feletoa from America but originally from Tonga and Elder Gray from Yuda both got transferred.  



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