Week 43: Hello Libon Ward

     The work is on fire and I am in the Libon Ward.  We are having 2 companions that means there are three of us.  The work is awesome that we always try to talk to many people as much as possible.  It is so interesting how Heavenly Father really is helping us in this work. 

     I arrived last Sunday when I transferred from Guinobatan.  It is really funny when I explained about my third area called Guinobatan.  I joked "my 3rd area is Guinobatan in my dream during the lockdown till now".. Haha...  But my companion and I see the future in Guinobatan so last Monday we were crying as we left our last area.  It is ok because right now we have a new family in Libon. It seems that I am going to love the people here.  There are some people we have been teaching through our high tech . . . keypad cellphone. Haha.  The spirit was so strong. 

     Right now we work with new people everyday.  We share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Yesterday was awesome because we have a chance to talk with some of the members living very close with the church and our apartment where I live now.  They were able to meet us in the church with distancing.  The cool thing is she was with her referral, a lady I think was 30+ years old.  We were able to introduce ourselves to her and she was willing to hear our message.  We shared some scriptures about the families in the Book of Mormon and she seemed interested.  We are so excited to meet with her next week.  Her name is Mila and the old lady is Emme.  She is a smart old lady and she loves the missionaries. 

     I am looking forward tomorrow to work and I just wanted to share my testimony that God really cares for each one of us and He is mindful of His sons and daughters.  I wanted to share some words I really love in the Bi-Centennial Proclamation that was introduced by President Nelson last General Conference.  God really loves all of us his children and that he has given us a divine birth and infinite love.  He gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ.  By the power of God, Jesus Christ rose again and gained victory over death.  He is our Savior and our redeemer.  On a beautiful spring morning, young Jospeh wanted to know which church to join so he went into the woods to pray.  He has many questions regarding the salvation of His soul and trusted that the Father will direct him. 

     I testify that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that he translated the ancient record by the power of God.  I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Exemplar, and Redeemer, Amen.

Elder Bateiti


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