Week 45: Baptism of Sister Jayann


     Mauri from Libon.  This week was awesome because we had a baptism on Saturday!  Everything went well even if it was really difficult to get to the other side.  It was good but the way is so far and risky because we travel the highway and the road is circling side by side and it's steep up and down.  I am kind of scared of the way the vehicles passed.  But thanks to Heavenly Father and His guidance during this time.  Everything was good.  We have a baptism in the sea and the members and leaders were able to come.  We were able to get all the permit papers to have a baptism.  

     We had a delicious lunch after the baptism.  I really miss this fish because I used to eat it in Kiribati.  Usually we always eat chicken, pig, and eggs everyday so I didn't think I was going to like it but right now I am getting used to liking it.  We also had a soup of eggplant.  Here there are so many eggplants and it is so easy to buy in the market because they have big farms.  We also had delicious rice.  

     We have some baptisms coming up but we are still trying to make them qualified so that they are not converted to the church but to convert them to Jesus Christ.  That is why we need to invite people to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.  

 We have Smartphones now!  Yesterday we had a conference in our zone.  We had a training about safeguard while using Smartphones and instructions from our mission president.  He said that we are pioneers of Legazpi Mission in using Smartphones so yesterday we surrendered our keypad phone.  We are going to miss our keypad digital phone.  

     I wanted to share my favorite scripture that I found in my personal study. 3 Nephi 18:31, "But if he repent not he shall not be numbered among my people that He may not destroy my people, for behold I know my sheep and they are numbered".  So I wanted to tell you my brothers and sisters that God sent us to the earth to help each other and to prepare so we can live with Him after this life for eternal life.  

Elder Bateiti

Baptism of Sister Jayann - Macabugos
Delicious Fruit
The sea where we had the baptism - the area is called Macabugos
Delicious lunch after the baptism - I miss fish!
Zone Conference - The sister in the blue mask is Sister Tune from Kiribati.  She should be finishing her mission right now but is extending due to COVID-19.
This is my district.
My companions in Guinobatan area:  Elder Dalauta and Elder Mabazza (only for one week before he transferred).  I am still companions with Elder Dalauata.  I am so happy that I can be with him here.  I have learned many things from him.
Gift from Elder Mabazza that he gave my at Zone Conference.

Gift from Elder Mabazza



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