Week 44: In the Lord's Timing

     This week was a very special week.  You want to know why!! Let's go.  We were able to visit one of our friends.  Sister Cristen had been taught by the missionaries and desired to be baptized .  As we get there to ask permission from her parent, but her father wasn't there at that time.  So her mum was there, the thing is they are not members but willing to listen to hear the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Her mum wasn't ready yet to let her daughter get baptized.  So we felt so sorry for Sister Cristen but we understand that because she is busy working and sometimes her mum hasn't been able to stop and listen to us only her daughter Cristen, her younger sister, and friends.  I can say that she is ready but God has his own time for her and her family.  She is keeping all the commitments, reading the Book of Mormon, and she really knows how to pray. 

      Anyway besides that, we went to visit Jayann.  She would have been baptized earlier but because of the lockdown she was unable to get baptized.  It was good to hear from her and as we reviewed all the lessons she has been taught she was able to answer our questions.  You know that God has his own ways to help each one of us because He is God.  Afterwards, we returned back home quickly and we are so happy to see some people that we have been teaching on our cellphone.

Love you all,
Elder Bateiti


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