Week 10: The Scriptures and General Conference Buoy Me Up

     About my weeks, as I know that I have been struggling for 2 days but as I hear from President Abraham he told me that I need to pray and read my Book of Mormon.  After a counseling with them, I feel peace in my heart and I get to know that if I humble myself to the Lord I will become a valiant servant.  I was given a text from President Abraham. In Abraham, 3:22-23, it says, "Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones; And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said, These I will make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me:  Abraham, thou are one of them; thou wast chosen before thou wast born."  This really touch my heart.  Beside that I KEEP READING MY NOTEBOOK FROM THE LAST GENERAL CONFERENCE where I recorded all the Apostles and First Presidency talks and I found a talk from Peter M. Johnson of the seventy.  And it says, "IF WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHO WE ARE, THEN IT IS DIFFICULT TO RECOGNIZE WHO WE CAN BECOME." After reading this, it makes my days happy and I can do my whole work for the whole day.
     I just feel happy that we got 3 investigators from more than hundreds of rejection.  We got 3 new investigators.  I was touch when one family who were Catholic member allows us to visit them at weekends.  They have one small daughter and the parents looks interested in our message that we just share about how Heavenly Father blesses each individuals and the families and that the family can be together for eternity.

     After that we go to another next door and they have a small family with three children.  As we enter their house, they tell us to eat because they were having a dinner but we says that we just finish eating that we can see they have not much food.  Anyways as they eat, we share important message about prayer and we ask them have they pray before.  We also ask them how do they feel as they pray.  They say that they feel happy and they feel the spirit.  As we finish talking with them about prayer, we testify of it and then we ask the wife to pray the way we pray and she did pray without using cross marks.  We will meet with them again.

Elder Bateiti

Elder Watson and Elder Bateiti reunited at Zone Conference


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